
Week 7 – Well that was unexpected!

It is difficult for me to fully grasp that, as of the end of this week, we are at the half way point of our studies in China as this week saw the end of our classes! I feel that I have gained so much from these past six weeks in terms of my professional development. It has been an excellent opportunity to take some time away from my main subject (T&D) and learn new aspects of education from a very different and cultural perspective. I can give nothing but credit to our lecturers for their hard work, patience and friendship – as the classes consisted of just the four of us, they talk to us and worked with us on a personal level and worked to make their lessons relevant to each of us. The next few weeks will be spent in teaching practice (which I am extremely excited for), as well as completing our assignments, I only hope that we can work hard and get grades that do our lecturers proud!

Friday brought our first taste of schools in China as we went to observe classes in “The Affiliated Primary School of SCNU” – this is where we will be teaching for our first two weeks. The first positive thing that I noticed about the school was that it was all of a five minute walk away from our rooms – great for me as waking up early is not my forte!
We were greeted by the head teacher and led into what appeared to be a lecture theatre with a classroom at the bottom – apparently it is quite common for staff to come and observe others teach. Shortly after, around 40-45 hyper young Chinese pupils burst into the room, ready to learn. It was a simple but effective lesson about animals, attempting to work in some grammar. The children were well disciplined, however, I felt that differentiation in such a large class is too much for one person.

That's a lot of kids!

As the day ended, we received our timetables and went for a classy group meal at our far too usual spot – McDonald’s, little did I know that I was being set up for what was to be the biggest surprise of my life!
It turns out that two of my house mates and best friends from back home, who both happen to be called Matthew, had been co-ordinating with our dear Miss Jayne Patterson for weeks, organising a secret visit to China for my 21st birthday! Needless to say, when they snuck up behind me in McDonald’s and tapped my shoulder, I nearly died! My brain went into overload, I couldn’t understand why no one else was surprised and the only words I could get out were “But…but…CHINA!?” before leaping on my dear friends for many a hugs.

I was a little excited...
Too cool.

China is always teaching me knew things about myself and the world around me. This week it taught me that my friends are a lot more devious that I ever imagined. I am very lucky to have them.

Matt enjoying half a goose face - yum!
Thanks as always guys,


